(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org


PVM Phamily Concert Series: Performers/Educators Needed

PVM Phamily Concert Series: Performers/Educators Needed The Philadelphia Virtual Music Phestival is creating a second virtual concert series aimed at younger audiences. These concerts will be informative as well as entertaining. We're hoping to include presentations...

COVID-19 Arts Aid Application

COVID-19 Arts Aid ApplicationThe COVID-19 Arts Aid PHL application for individual artists and small arts and culture organizations (with budgets of up to $250K) will open today, Monday, April 13 at 1p.m. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, subject to...

Local 77 COVID-19 Resources

Local 77 COVID-19 Resources There have been many inquires regarding the CARES Act, and the various resources that are available at the moment. You will find a variety of these resources below. The American Federation of Musicians has been a tremendous source of...

New Local 77 homepage & Other Resources

We hope this email finds you healthy and safe. Local 77 has implemented a new and improved homepage that we hope you find informational and inspiring. There is a lot to sift through these days, but we wanted to help you connect with some of the inspirational messages...

Staying connected during COVID-19

Staying connected during COVID-19 (From the City of Philadelphia's website) The City recognizes that having access to the internet is critical for families and individuals during this time of crisis. While practicing social distancing and dealing with the closures of...

Philly Virtual Music Phestival: Dean Schneider

Philly Virtual Music Phestival: Jazz Pianist Dean Schneider The Philadelphia Virtual Music Phestival is the musicians' response to the COVID-19 outbreak.  Although crowds are not allowed to assemble until the threat is over, in our hearts the music must go...