(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org

We hope this email finds you healthy and safe. Local 77 has implemented a new and improved homepage that we hope you find informational and inspiring. There is a lot to sift through these days, but we wanted to help you connect with some of the inspirational messages and sites that are being initiated by Local 77 members and our arts partners that employ Philadelphia union musicians.

Please keep us informed of any members who might need emotional and spiritual help. We are here for each other. Don’t forget to tune in to the Philadelphia Virtual Music Phestival on Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 7pm to relax and enjoy live music. We can all use these performances to be uplifted and perhaps inspire us all to practice.

In Solidarity,

Ellen, Marjorie, Jarred, Robert, David & Rebecca


When Applying for Unemployment Insurance (UI):

  • If you don’t know your start date it’s ok to approximate it. Knowing the END date is important as your benefits will be paid from that date.
  • UI has added a new question about COVID-19. Answer “Laid off” to “Reason for Separation from this Employer”
  • You can’t pick and choose who you file unemployment against. You must enter all employers.
  • If you work in multiple states: include that work on the MA unemployment application. You can only have one claim in one state. You cannot have claims in multiple states. MA will send requests to the other states so MA can collect the funds.

When Filing Your Weekly Claim:

  • Were you available to work? YES
  • Did you look for work? YES
  • “Looking for work” is not possible at the moment but just keep in touch with your old employers.
  • Do not file a claim before the week has finished. The work week is Sunday – Saturday.
  • You MUST request benefits every week to get paid every week. Even if you play an engagement, keep filing. Report the income you earned. You want to file every week to keep your claim open.
  • You may work for one week and not get unemployment BUT then get unemployment when you don’t work the following week.
  • Max weekly payment is $573. How is that calculated? It’s 50% of your average pay based on your highest past 2 quarters using wages paid in 2019.

Unemployment Disaster Trust Fund

  • Possible funding for workers who are not covered under unemployment ie: 1099 workers. THIS WILL ONLY APPLY IF DISASTER UNEMPLOYMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED AND FUNDED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

There are members willing to help and assist in any questions you may have about the unemployment process. Please visit the Facebook page below, for info.