(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org


95% of Philly POPS Musician Union Members Vote to Strike If Necessary

Philadelphia, PA— The Philly POPS musicians, members of The American Federation of Musicians, Local 77, voted yesterday to authorize a strike, if necessary, in order to resolve what they consider to be urgent disputes related to management’s lack of transparency before announcing that Philly POPS operations will cease next year. According to the Union’s official count, at least 95% of Philly POPS players voted to authorize a strike if necessary.

Arpeggio – April 2022, Issue No. 11

Arpeggio – April 2022, Iss. No. 11. This issue: President’s Message, Secretary-Treasurer’s Report, 1st Quarter Balance Sheet, Committee Reports, New Member Spotlight, Membership Activity, Auditions/Notices, Oklahoma! At The Forrest, Executive Board Minutes, Relief Fund