(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org

Vaccines Available to ALL Local 77 Members!!

COVID Vaccines Available! ALL LOCAL 77 MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE! Dear Members, We are thrilled to announce that ALL Local 77 members will now be eligible for a COVID vaccine through our partnership with Centennial Pharmacy.   Vaccination DatesApril 18, 2021 – April 30,...

Opportunities for Students!

Opportunities for Students! Dear Members, If you have any students that are interested in auditioning for youth programs in our city, please see the matrials below. Feel free to forward this announcement along. Play On Philly is accepting applications for the Marian...

Diversity Town Hall Meeting – March 15 @7PM

SAVE THE DATE! DIVERSITY TOWN HALL MEETING Monday March 15, 2021 7-9 PM Zoom Meeting Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87359354679 Meeting ID: 873 5935 4679 One tap mobile +13017158592,,87359354679# US (Washington DC) +13126266799,,87359354679# US (Chicago) Introducing...

Rally for Unemployment Wednesday 11:30am

Unemployment Rally Many members are facing the same issues regarding the inadequacies of the PA unemployment system. We encourage everyone who is able, to attend. Bring a sign and/or your loud voice. For those who want to attend and wear a Local 77 shirt, please...