(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org

Primary Election Information & Mother’s Day 411

Primary Election Information & Mother’s Day 411 Dear Brothers & Sisters, We hope this email finds you healthy and safe. The deadline to register to vote is May 18, 2020. Enclosed in this email you will find information on how to register to vote and how...

In Memoriam: Alan Abel 1928-2020

In Memoriam: Alan Abel 1928-2020 Remembering Alan Abel1928-2020 By: Angela NelsonAssociate Principal Timpani & Section Percussion, The Philadelphia Orchestra Alan AbelAssociate Principal Percussionist: The Philadelphia Orchestra (1959 – 1997) We mourn the passing...

PVM Phamily Concert Series: Performers/Educators Needed

PVM Phamily Concert Series: Performers/Educators Needed The Philadelphia Virtual Music Phestival is creating a second virtual concert series aimed at younger audiences. These concerts will be informative as well as entertaining. We’re hoping to include...