(215) 985-4777 local77@afm.org

Announcing the 2021 Ovation Award Finalists

2021 Ovation Award Finalists Philadelphia Youth Orchestra Music Institute, Jacobs Music, J.W. Pepper & Son, and WRTI 90.1, are pleased to announce the 10 finalists of the Eighth Annual PYO Music Institute Ovation Award for Inspiration and Outstanding Leadership in...


Opportunities for Students! ​ Local 77 is comprised of nearly 700 of the worlds finest musicians and educators. In addition to our freelance community, our members include The Philadelphia Orchestra, Opera Philadelphia, Philadelphia Ballet, Philly POPS, Chamber...

Illuminate The Arts Grant Available!

Available until May 28, 2021 Dear Members, The Illuminate the Arts Grants are a means to help sustain and stimulate the recovery of Philadelphia’s arts and culture community, which has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of $1 million will...

Thursday @ 1pm: Rally for Unemployment!

Unemployment Rally Rally to Get Unemployment Benefits Paid to the Unemployed Thursday, May 6- 1 PMGovernor Wolf’s Regional Office- 8th and Arch Sts. Hundreds of thousands of laid off Pennsylvania workers are waiting weeks and months for their eligibility to be...

Local 77 IDEAS Study Group

Dear Members, Would you like to join the IDEAS Study Group? The first book we will read and discuss is “Caste” by Isabel Wilkerson. Please fill out the short survey below so we can keep you posted! Local 77 IDEAS Interest Form...